Inventory Management A 360° view of your entire environment.

Simple tracking of complex moving parts.
A woman works on an iPad.

All users, all devices and all apps.

IT Inventory management (ITAM) can be a daunting task. But the right tools can fight the overwhelming feeling, keeping your assets, devices, users and organizational data updated and secure.

Learn how to do it with our beginner's guide or, if you have the basics down, read about the advanced approach to IT assets management and security.

Put your Apple IT inventory data to work for you.

Ensure IT, user and hardware efficiencies— around the clock.

With Jamf’s automatic IT assets collection, you’ll have all the information you need at your fingertips to organize information and develop useful reports. From there, set up a Smart Group that tracks user and hardware details, software versions and security settings for specific groups of devices.

You’ll track:

  • Hardware: device type/model/name, serial number, Unique Device Identifier (UDID) and battery level

  • Security: encryption status, system configurations, software restrictions, Jailbreak detection

  • Management: managed status, supervised status, IP address, enrollment method

  • Software: OS version, apps installed, app versions, storage capacity

You’ll also see installed profiles and certificates, purchasing information and Activation Lock status.

Now what do I do with all of this data?

  • Smart targeting: With your new information, you can automatically trigger device management tasks for specific individuals or groups under conditions you have set.
  • App reporting: What you learn from reports on app titles and versions installed gives you the chance to discontinue licensing for unused apps and ensure apps in use are the latest version.